Class Schedule: PhD Module 1. (5 Weeks) Spring, 2013
- Week 1
- Introduction
- Ito's Lemma
- Course Material:
- Week 2
- Time-varying volatilities and options
- Course Material:
- Chapters 19, 20, and 22 in Hull.
- Activity: Write a program to estimate a GARCH(1,1) model using the method of MLE, and estimate on daily stock return data from CRSP.
--due on Jan 23.
- Slides.
- Corresponding Comprehensive Exam Questions.
- Week 3
- Implied densities and empirical issues.
- Course Material:
- Chapters 25, 26, and 27 in Hull
- Papers:
- Breeden and Litzenberger, Journal of Business, 1978.
- Banz and Miller, Journal of Business, 1978.
- Jackwerth, Journal of Derivatives, Winter 1999.
- Dupire, Risk, 1994.
- Derman and Kani, Risk, 1994.
- Cont, ``Beyond Implied Volatility.''
- Rompolis and Tzavalis, JFQA, 2008.
- Slides.
- Corresponding Comprehensive Exam Questions.
- Week 4
- Empirical Work
- Course Material:
- Slides.
- Spreadsheet demonstrating Implied Binomial Trees.
- Papers:
- Buraschi and Jackwerth, RFS 2001.
- Coval and Shumway, JF 2001.
- Branger and Schlag, ``Put Options are not Too Expensive,'' 2005.
- Doran, Journal of Risk, 2007.
- Branger and Schlag, JFQA, 2008.
- Broadie, Chernov, and Johannes, RFS 2009.
- Constantinides, Jackwerth, and Savov, ``The Puzzle of Index Option Returns,'' 2009.
- Week 5
- Empirical Options Project due.
- Limits to Arbitrage and Options.
- Course Material:
- Slides.
- Papers:
- Gromb and Vayanos 2010 Survey.
- Bollen and Whaley, JF 2004.
- Evans, Geczky, Musto, and Reed, RFS 2009.
- Cremers and Weinbaum JFQA 2010.
- Frazzini and Pedersen 2011.