Chris Lamoureux's Guest Talk Page
- Slides for talk to our Applied Portfolio Management Class: Cat Bond ETFs. (February 27, 2025).
- Slides for talk to our Applied Portfolio Management Class Retrospective on funding, shorting, and funding risk in financial markets. (April 18, 2024).
- Slides for talk to our Applied Portfolio Management Class on funding, shorting, and funding risk in financial markets. (April 8, 2022).
- Slides for talk to our Applied Portfolio Management Class on GameStop and Archegos episodes up through April 9, 2021. (April 9, 2021).
- Slides for talk to Applied Portfolio Management Class on funding risks (April 16, 2020).
- Slides for talk to Applied Portfolio Management Class on IPOs (April 12, 2019).
- Slides for talk to Applied Portfolio Management Class on Liquidity for Asset Management (April 13, 2018).
- Outline for Talk to Incoming Master's Students (August 17, 2017).
- Talk to Applied Portfolio Management Class on Liquidity and Portfolio Management (April 10, 2015).
- Talk to Applied Portfolio Management Class on Microstructure for Portfolio Management (March 28, 2014).
- Slides used for my presentation on trade credit to the National
Association of Credit Management in Tucson, October 11, 2013.
- Slides used for my presentation on the on-going financial
crisis on February 10, 2011 at the Tucson Jewish Community Center.
- Talk to Applied Portfolio Management Class on Market
Microstructure (February 4, 2011).
- Talk to Fin 512 on Capital Budgeting (October 11, 2010).
- Banks, Bank Runs, and Run-Arounds, Slides from my talk to
Southern Arizona Yale Alumni Association, October 9, 2009.
- Slides used for my presentation on the recent liquidity
crisis on March 16, 2009 for Phoenix-area alums.
- Slides used for my presentation on Experimental
Microstructure to our MIS Department on November 7, 2008.
- Slides used for my brief presentation on the recent liquidity
crisis at the October 1, 2008 Community Roundtable.
- Real Options and Corporate Strategy.
- Our Failed Budgeting Processes.
- Slides for Presentation to Don Seeley's Class. August 29, 2003. On Market Efficiency and Active Portfolio Management.
- Slides for Presentation to Fourth-Year Psychiatry Residents. October 17, 2002. On Personal Financial Management after Residency.
- Spreadsheet on Retirement Savings. October 17, 2002. On Personal Financial Management after Residency.